6 research outputs found


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    Chaotic systems leverage their inherent complexity and unpredictability to generate cryptographic keys, enhancing the security of encryption algorithms. This paper presents a comparative study of 13 chaotic keymaps. Several evaluation metrics, including keyspace size, dimensions, entropy, statistical properties, sensitivity to initial conditions, security level, practical implementation, and adaptability to cloud computing, are utilized to compare the keymaps. Keymaps such as Logistic, Lorenz, and Henon demonstrate robustness and high-security levels, offering large key space sizes and resistance to attacks. Their efficient implementation in a cloud computing environment further validates their suitability for real-world encryption scenarios. The context of the study focuses on the role of the key in encryption and provides a brief specification of each map to assess the effectiveness, security, and suitability of the popular chaotic keymaps for encryption applications. The study also discusses the security assessment of resistance to the popular cryptographic attacks: brute force, known plaintext, chosen plaintext, and side channel. The findings of this comparison reveal the Lorenz Map is the best for the cloud environment based on a specific scenario


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    The Internet of Things is a technology that applied in the field of healthcare, especially elderly patients, and allows patients to be tracked without the need for direct physical interaction with patients. Diseases and other consequences can be recognized early, especially those who are more likely to have a disorder in their physiological data. It is critically necessary to create new approaches and technology in order to improve health care for the aged population at a price that is more cheap and in a form that is simpler to use. In addition, patients and members of their families get a sense of peace when they are aware that they are being observed and will be assisted in the event that any complications emerge. This study uses a literature review to explore the ideas behind healthcare system components, in addition this study examines the characteristics, requirements, and definitions of internet of things. The primary purpose of this study is to introduce the reader to the various sensors and other healthcare system components utilised for the purpose of monitoring the elderly. However, this work will help future researchers who desire to do study in this field of healthcare systems and assist efficient knowledge acquisition by providing a solid foundation


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    Chaotic systems leverage their inherent complexity and unpredictability to generate cryptographic keys, enhancing the security of encryption algorithms. This paper presents a comparative study of 13 chaotic keymaps. Several evaluation metrics, including keyspace size, dimensions, entropy, statistical properties, sensitivity to initial conditions, security level, practical implementation, and adaptability to cloud computing, are utilized to compare the keymaps. Keymaps such as Logistic, Lorenz, and Henon demonstrate robustness and high-security levels, offering large key space sizes and resistance to attacks. Their efficient implementation in a cloud computing environment further validates their suitability for real-world encryption scenarios. The context of the study focuses on the role of the key in encryption and provides a brief specification of each map to assess the effectiveness, security, and suitability of the popular chaotic keymaps for encryption applications. The study also discusses the security assessment of resistance to the popular cryptographic attacks: brute force, known plaintext, chosen plaintext, and side channel. The findings of this comparison reveal the Lorenz Map is the best for the cloud environment based on a specific scenario

    Modify Speck-SHA3 (SSHA) for data integrity in WoT networking based on 4-D chaotic system

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    WoT has become one of the important fields that accompanied the development of technology in the present day, so that its income in all areas of work, including (industrial, agricultural, medical, industrial, etc.). This proliferation generated fears among users of the growing use of WoT without providing safe ways to preserve the information generated by its devices. So, many ways to maintain the security of data as well as integrity, through the use of light weight speed algorithms to encrypt and to validate the parameters that may be used in this area. In the field of information authentication, many algorithms have emerged that help to ensure the authenticity of information generated when sent from physical sensors to the user environment. These include SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, etc. In WoT, the speed of encryption and authentication must be an important requirement and a duty to ensure the validity of the information and to continue monitoring the data. Therefore, providing fast algorithms is an important requirement to be provided with WoT. In this paper, a modification of the SHA-3 algorithm will be introduced by replacing the KECCAK function with another very fast algorithm which is SPECK which is produced a very fast algorithm with a reliable strong level of security in the data validation process produced by sensors. Also, the extended logistic system will be used to generate the initial values that the SHA3 algorithm uses to make these values unknown and which the intruder cannot guess or recognize

    A new intelligent hybrid encryption algorithm for IoT data based on modified PRESENT-Speck and novel 5D chaotic system

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    Modern application based on IoT sensors/devices are growth in several fields. In several cases, the sensing data needs to be secure in transmission to control / administrator side. In this paper, the proposed secure Internet of Things data sensing and proposed algorithms will be explained, based on the main overarching novel 5-D Hyper chaotic system and new encryption mechanisms (contains hybrid encryption and two modified encryption algorithms) controlled by Fuzzy rules. The encryption mechanism combined by using the structure of PRESENT and SPECK algorithm with novel 5-D chaotic system. Also, for encryption will use the modified mechanisms of Round steps in PRESENT algorithm by SPEECK which were adopted on an IoT sensing data transferring. This proposed system provides a high level of security for any sensitive information that may be generated from sensors that may be installed in an important location to protect buildings and offices from theft by making certain modifications to the algorithms necessary to maintain the safety and security of the information, etc., which must be protected from Attacks. This system is designed to be effective in providing security features for data contents that include confidentiality, authentication and non-repudiation, and is compatible with all types of remote sensing data and sensors to send the final notification to the final administrator view. The proposed system is designed to provide users with high flexibility and ease in managing change operations, speeding up encryption operations and intruding the contents of message packets (types and forms of different sensor data) at the point of origin and decrypting and checking packet integrity messages upon receipt. These features make users of this system more confident with each other. The proposed encryption mechanism and novel chaotic system passed different testes. The generated chaos key space at least 22560probable different combinations of the secret keys to break the system used brute force attack

    EAMSA 512: New 512 Bits Encryption Al-gorithm Based on Modified SALSA20

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    This paper presents the 512-bit encryption algorithm based on modified SALSA20 using an 11-dimensional chaotic system used for generating the keys for the proposed encryption algorithm. Chaotic keys are derived from a combination of two systems, one with six dimensions and the other with five. These keys are used in different operations like shifting, Xoring, and encryption steps in the new proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm consists of a combination of two parallel parts: Salsa20 and S boxes with chaos keys. The proposed system takes 512 bits of the plaintext, which will be split into two 256-bit parts, the left part encrypted with modified salas20 and the chaos keys, and the right 256-bit part encrypted using eight 8x8 s-boxes and the chaos keys. The results are swapped and combined, and this operation is repeated for 16 rounds to get the cipher text. The testing of EAMSA 512bit using various tests demonstrates the algorithm's strength and security, as well as its ability to avoid many attacks with lightweight processin